kembali lagi dengan saya made agus andi gunawan kali ini saya akan share algoritma untuk robot arduino line follower #include // include the robot library long timerOrigin; // used for counting elapsed time void setup() { // initialize the Robot, SD card, display, and speaker Robot.begin(); Robot.beginTFT(); Robot.beginSD(); Robot.beginSpeaker(); // show the logots on the TFT screen Robot.displayLogos(); Robot.drawBMP("lf.bmp", 0, 0); // display background image Robot.playFile("chase.sqm"); // play a song from the SD card // add the instructions Robot.text("Line Following\n\n place the robot on\n the track and \n see it run", 5, 5); Robot.text("Press the middle\n button to start...", 5, 61); Robot.waitContinue(); // These are some general values that work for line following // uncomment one or the other to see the different behaviors of the robot // Robot.lineFollowConfig(11, 5, 50, 10); Robot.lineFollowConfig(14, 9, 50, 10); //set the motor board into line-follow mode Robot.setMode(MODE_LINE_FOLLOW); // start Robot.fill(255, 255, 255); Robot.stroke(255, 255, 255); Robot.rect(0, 0, 128, 80); // erase the previous text Robot.stroke(0, 0, 0); Robot.text("Start", 5, 5); Robot.stroke(0, 0, 0); // choose color for the text Robot.text("Time passed:", 5, 21); // write some text to the screen timerOrigin=millis(); // keep track of the elapsed time while(!Robot.isActionDone()) { //wait for the finish signal Robot.debugPrint(millis()-timerOrigin, 5, 29); // show how much time has passed } Robot.stroke(0, 0, 0); Robot.text("Done!", 5, 45); } void loop() { //nothing here, the program only runs once. Reset the robot //to do it again! } mungkin itu saja yang dapat saya share kali ini perlu pengorbanan untuk menulis algoritm ini karena saya menulis sendiri tanpa copy paste tapi saya tetap tabah untuk selalu ingat kepada tuhan yang maha esa..... sekian dan terima kasih